Leanne started her career studying the human body, illness and death as an embalmer/mortician and during this time realised that so many people were dying prematurely. This led Leanne to look into her own lifestyle believing that she was not functioning at her optimum health. Leanne had ailments such as severe migraines, a low immune system, ear and throat infections and chronic constipation.

At the time, Leanne was living in New York City and a friend introduced her to colonics. From here she started to implement fresh vegetable juicing and the philosophy of food combining into her daily diet to compliment her regular colonic treatments. After 2 years implementing these lifestyle changes, her health and wellbeing went through radical transformations. It was the physical and emotional consciousness that this lifestyle helped cultivate which inspired Leanne to become an accredited colon hydrotherapist.

It became clear to Leanne that she wanted to persue a life of ‘being’ the best version of herself. Having a passion for cleansing and colonics she decided to open her own holistic Wellness centres specialising in the ‘Woods Gravity Method of Colonic Irrigation’. Leanne founded her second Release Wellness Centre in Erskineville, Sydney. Release focuses on natural medicine, diet, digestion and the importance of cleansing.

“At Release we teach a way of life with great compassion & love, as I and each member of the team live & breath this lifestyle. We are on this journey too! Our lives have been so positively affected by this therapy we want to share it with others.” – Leanne


Ella’s passion for natural health and healing is one of the many factors that drove her to become a Colon Hydrotherapist. Ella was living a clean lifestyle for years but felt there was something missing. Being hungry for knowledge in all areas of wellness – particularly gut health, holistic nutrition and cleansing, Ella discovered colonics. Here she found a crucial piece of the puzzle in her healing.

Prior to commencing her journey to a healthier lifestyle, Ella had been faced with mental and physical health issues which forced her to revaluate her life. Ella grew up with an awareness of health but over the years had become so detached from herself and her body and was experiencing anxiety and depression, eating disorders, hormonal issues, major gut health issues and chronic fatigue.

Experiencing first-hand the profound healing of colonics, there was no hesitation for Ella when presented with the opportunity to become a Colon Therapist. Ella is passionate about supporting others to discover that their health is the most powerful tool and most worthwhile investment. Ella’s biggest desire is to connect with others on their journey and to support people to feel healthy and vibrant, as they deserve to be.


Domenica began her healing journey after being in the healthcare industry for a number of years and feeling her own health was being neglected. After having a calling to heal the body within for a while she couldn’t ignore it anymore. She came to her first colonic appointment here at Release Wellness Centre. After leaving that appointment Domenica felt a shift within herself, an energetic shift she hadn’t experienced before. She realised that this method of detoxification was much more than just a form of elimination of toxic waste, it was also a shift of emotional energy within the body.

Domenica knew she was on the right path towards her health journey and that colonics would always be a part of her life since that day.
Realising that health begins within, she has become heavily invested in helping people heal themselves from the inside out. Domenica began studying the benefits of yoga and the positive effects breath and movement have on the body. She completed yoga teacher training as her passion for overall health and wellness continued to evolve. Body movement of any form and attention to the breath has a great benefit to the body physically, mentally and emotionally. It helps us to connect to deeper parts of ourselves and aids in healing our body with the awareness it brings.

Domenica became so passionate about the benefits of the Woods Gravity Method colonic that she completed training with Leanne and is now a therapist here at Release Wellness Centre, the place that sparked something within and has changed her life for the better. She believes that colonics have a place in everyones life whether it is to aid in healing a particular health problem or for general health and well-being. When we have a strong foundation in our health everything else flows.


Eleni first started having colonics at the age of 20 to aid her body with gut issues, including adult acne. After seeing the benefits after only her first three treatments, she was hooked!

Studying a Bachelor of Science with a Major in Nutrition and Health Science at the time, she became passionate about how many of our gut issues start within the gut and spent hours delving into research about the body’s second brain. As she learnt more about our body’s most under-rated organ, colonics became a regular part of her own holistic health journey as well as good food, regular movement and exercise and quality dietary supplements.

After her own success with colonics, Eleni wanted her family and friends to understand how beneficial they could be to their own health. Coming from two cultures that have always over-indulged in rich foods, social drinking and toxic environmental substances, she used to hear constant complaints of gut intolerances and issues. Eleni began to educate those she loved in what she had learnt and applied in regards to her own gut health and can happily say that many in her family have started, and also maintained, their own amazing gut health journeys.

At the start of her career, Eleni initially trained in the colonic hydrotherapy system that is facilitated with a machine but soon after switched to the Woods Gravity Method as she believes gently awakening the natural peristaltic motion of the colon, rather than taking over the function of the organ itself, allows for stronger peristaltic action and better long term results for the individual. Eleni has been treating clients using the Woods Gravity Method since 2020.


Radmila has always been passionate about living an active lifestyle and becoming the best version of herself. Her love for holistic health began when she worked as Town Planner. She felt so run-down on every level and needed to change something. She started with appreciating the importance of fuelling her body with real, wholesome foods and nourishing it from the inside out. By taking back control of her health, her self-awareness grew and she noticed the positive mental, physical and emotional effects of investing in herself and her health. She was committed to learning more ways to live and feel better. This inspired her to become a certified Health Coach so she could empower those around her with knowledge and tools to nurture their own mind and body.

She experienced digestive issues and eczema for many years. She had little understanding of nutrition and didn’t focus on the quality of the food she ate. By adopting clean eating habits, along with other healthy practices overtime she managed her symptoms, she felt in tune with her body, and eventually learned about the gut-brain connection. This expansion of knowledge included becoming aware of toxins in food and everyday products. Health became more than just the absence of disease – it is a way of life.

Becoming a Therapist at Release has been the most rewarding experience in her journey. After she introduced weekly colonics to her own lifestyle she noticed significant improvements in her mind and body. This therapy now plays a huge role in maintaining her overall health. It felt perfectly right to transition into the rooms as a Therapist and support clients one on one.

Radmila believes our health is our wealth, and we all have the power within to practice self love and self care to heal and love ourselves every day. With her health coaching background, Radmila offers guidance and connects with her clients to create a safe and loving space in hopes of inspiring them to continue to invest in their health and wellness for life.


Nicole has a strong passion for health, healing and balance in life. She is a joyful, kind, and passionate individual. Nicole has always been interested in the human body, health, and supporting the body in the detoxification process. When she first experienced the benefits of colon cleansing, she knew it was something that she needed to learn more about. As Nicole continued her colonic cleansing, she learned more about the body and how the food choices people make, as well as the state of their gut health, not only affects people physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually too.

Nicole’s own personal life experience has also provided motivation to follow a career path within this field. As an adolescent she had frequent and consistent gut health issues, she realised truth in the literature that stated the gut as the human body’s second brain. Nicole is a Certified Yoga Teacher and a Certified Practitioner of Positive Psychology. Cleansing the colon with water is an ancient yogic technique and is considered to be amongst the most important bodily cleansing

Nicole strongly believes that colonics are a part of a lifestyle change or personal health routine. She acknowledges that our body is an instrument and how it feels affects how we relate to the world. Emotions are held in tissues of the body, especially the gut, and colon cleansing provides an alternative approach to alleviating symptoms and blockages in the body.

Nicole is passionate about educating and guiding her clients through their cleansing at a cellular level to achieve vibrant health, emotional balance, and mental clarity. To radiate health and vitality on the outside we must first focus within. It is her joy to guide, inform and support her clients at every step of the way.

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