Is a colonic right for me?

We would recommend a colonic for just about anyone – whether you are having multiple bowel movements a day or not. Colonics can help treat people dealing with the following:

  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhoea
  • IBS and other gut issues
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Parasites
  • Period pain
  • Endometriosis
  • And so much more!

If you have any questions about your own health or are unsure whether this is right for you, please consult a doctor before receiving any treatment.

For any other queries, feel free to speak with us!

What is the difference between a closed gravity system (Woods gravity) and a pressurized system?
At Release we offer gravity-centered colonics, based on the original method used by Dr. Robert Woods and Dr. Norman Walker. This method allows for a simultaneous in/out flow, meaning water enters and exits at the same time, preventing water retention and discomfort. No machines, motors, or pumps are used, as they are in a pressurized system. Gravity-centered colonics gently awaken the natural peristaltic motion of the colon, rather than taking over the function of the organ itself. This allows for a comfortable and non-aggressive treatment that is much more thorough and healthier long term than a pressurized colonic.
What are the benefits of colon cleansing?
The colon is the main repository of accumulated waste in the body. If left too long, this waste becomes impacted and septic, increasing the risk of toxins seeping back into the bloodstream and infecting the entire body. No organ or cell in the body can function optimally without a fresh supply of clean, oxygenated blood, so the state of the colon is a vital component of overall health. A toxic, acidic colon is a breeding ground for bacteria and disease, and a major contributing factor in some of today’s most serious health conditions, including acidosis, cancer, heart disease and obesity. An impacted colon will cease to function properly, causing nutrient malabsorption, bloating, cramping and constipation – symptoms that all further amplify the problem. The average person on a typical Western diet will be carrying around several kilograms of impacted, toxic waste material in their colon. Properly administered colon cleansing, along with the consumption of fresh vegetable juices and a healthy, clean diet, are key to effective detoxification of the body.
Are there any contraindications?

The following conditions, symptoms, or circumstances, may contraindicate a colon hydrotherapy treatment. This includes:

  • Cirrhosis
  • Colitis
  • Colon Surgery (less than twelve months post-op)
  • Colostomy
  • Crohn’s disease (acute inflammatory or bleeding stages)
  • Intracranial Hypertension
  • Diverticulitis
  • GI Hemorrhage/Perforation
  • Hemorrhoids (when in a severely inflamed or severely bleeding stage). If you are experiencing hemorrhoids, you can contact us to discuss this further. Please note we do treat a large number of clients who have hemorrhoids.
  • Rectal Bleeding (other than minor hemorrhoids)
  • Recent heart attack
  • Recent abdominal surgery
  • Hernia (abdominal/inguinal)
  • Kidney Dialysis
  • Ulcerative Colitis (active or bleeding)

If you have any of the above contraindications you may be eligible to receive a colonic once the condition has subsided. Feel free to give us a call on 0433 505 878 to further discuss if this treatment is right for you.

Why can’t we eliminate waste on our own?

The body does eliminate waste on its own, however the effectiveness of which, is dependant on diet, bowel strength and how unobstructed a person is. Most people today were raised on a diet high in refined and processed food, much of which the body cannot eliminate entirely. These foods also promote the growth of putrefactive bacteria in the gut, suppressing the amount of good bacteria, which your body needs to ‘mop up the mess left behind’. After decades or even just years of a modern diet, waste builds up and accumulates in the bowels, becoming impacted in the spongy tissue of the colon, which stretches to accommodate the waste. As the colon becomes impacted, it becomes more difficult to move our bowels with efficiency, thus increasing the problem. Even if you think you are moving your bowels on a regular basis, one or two movements per day still does not account for the common consumption of three meals and environmental toxins being processed by the body on a continued basis.

How often should you have a colonic?
A colonic should not be a one-off ‘quick-fix’. Rather, a series of colonics, or ongoing treatment, is recommended. How often you have colonics is very individual – many clients have weekly appointments, as they begin to notice and feel the overall effects of colon hydrotherapy. Diet matters greatly when it comes to frequency of treatment. A cleansing diet and colonics go hand in hand, when you are awakening old stagnant waste matter in the body through vegetables juices and clean, organic food, and support the release of the waste via colonics.
What happens during a colon hydrotherapy session?
Our treatments take place in a private, comfortable room specifically designed to perform the treatment. You will be lying down on a cushioned table with a therapist administering the colonic. A drape sheet will be supplied for your privacy. We use the Wood’s Gravity-Centred Colonic method. This means the water enters the intestine from a source that is located above your body, allowing the water to flow in and out without any means of motors or pumps. Water will not be filled into you and you will not need to push. Simply relax and the therapist will work with the rhythm of your body.


The natural peristaltic motion of the colon is prompted once the water enters the organ. This is the most effective method for removing toxic matter while also strengthening your colon. A highly trained therapist administers the treatment, guiding you through the experience while using pressure points and gentle massage.

What is the process of getting a colonic?

If it’s your first time at Release, we will ask you to fill out a form to understand more about why you have come to our centre. Your therapist will then explain the Woods Gravity method and the process of colonics that we practice in our centre. Your therapist will leave the room while you remove any clothing from the waist down and lie down on the table, using a modesty sheet to cover yourself. Once ready, your therapist will re-enter the room and start treatment.

How long is a session?

We reserve one hour for your appointment, with treatment usually lasting between 45-60 minutes.

How will I feel after the colon hydrotherapy session?
You should feel rejuvenated and a sense of lightness. There is a big shift with your first colonic so you may feel slightly fatigued. We recommend planning ample time after your first appointment so you aren’t rushing off to another activity.
Can I receive treatment during my menstrual cycle?
Yes. It is perfectly fine to get a colonic during any phase of your cycle. A treatment can also aid in relieving any uncomfortable symptoms that you may encounter monthly. The release of waste and gas can relieve painful pressure, cramping, and bloating, promoting an ease of flow.
Can I receive treatment if I am feeling sick?

Yes. In fact, a colonic is one of most effective things you can do to speed your recovery. Symptoms of “illness” are most often a sign the body is overwhelmed with waste and toxicity, which has not been able to exit through the usual channels of elimination. Removing the burdensome waste and gas will diminish the symptoms and promote healing.

Will the colonic wash out my healthy bacteria?
No. Cleansing the intestine of putrefied waste and gas will create an environment for healthy bacteria to thrive. You will want to re-hydrate with water, especially unpasteurized coconut water, and vegetable juice after each colonic. Daily consumption of freshly pressed vegetable juice will alkalise your system and help foster the regeneration of your flora over time.
Will my body become dependent on colonics?
Gravity colonics strengthen your colon. The more waste your body releases in each session, the stronger your colon becomes and the more regular your own elimination will be.
What can I do to get rid of painful gas/constipation?
  • Avoid excess fruit as this can be gas forming.
  • Follow food combining principles as best as you can, ask us if you have any questions!
  • Make a tonic of fresh grated ginger, a squeeze of lemon juice and a pinch of salt or make a ginger tea by boiling freshly sliced ginger.
  • Do inverted yoga postures – they move gas: Downward dog, Shoulder Stand, Head Stand, and Bridge Pose.
  • Take a Brisk Walk: this helps move gas by creating motion in the intestine.
  • Take digestive enzymes with your meals.
  • Avoid drinking liquid 30 mins before / after your meals.
  • DoTerra DigestZen can be added to water or a drop can be added to your wrist and licked – do not add the drop directly to your tongue.
  • Avoid hard to digest / gas forming foods: gluten, dairy, legumes, cruciferous vegetables (especially raw).

Be patient and loving with yourself and know that this is a process!

Can I receive treatment if I am pregnant?

Yes you can still receive treatment if you are pregnant. Release Wellness will continue to see regular clients throughout their entire pregnancy.

The only time we wouldn’t recommend receiving treatment is if you are in your first trimester of pregnancy and your body isn’t familiar with the process of a colonic. We encourage pregnant clients that are new to colonics to receive treatment once they have reached their second trimester, in addition to not having other complications during their pregnancy.

    Ask us anything! We’ll get back to you right away.